
Frankincense & EFT – diving into your subconscious with the flashlight
You know that feeling of being stuck in old patterns? That somewhere deep inside you know that more is possible, but you can’t fathom exactly what is holding you back? I regularly run into that myself, and it can be so frustrating when you want to grow, but it seems like there’s an invisible brake on it.
Today I want to take you on a special scavenger hunt with one of my most beloved oils: frankincense (incense). This “king of oils” has been known for its extraordinary properties for thousands of years. And what particularly fascinates me is how this oil not only works at the cellular level for healthy cell function, but can also serve as a kind of flashlight to bring clarity to your subconscious.
Because did you know that there is a wonderful connection between the physical and emotional effects of Frankincense? The same properties that support communication between your cells can also help you better connect with those deeper layers within yourself.
Why Frankincense and EFT?
Frankincense works deeply on the emotional and spiritual level. The scent helps you, through the limbic system, gently loosen old beliefs. EFT, also known as “tapping,” combines light touches on meridian points with the utterance of supportive phrases. This calms your nervous system and opens your brain to new, positive perspectives. Together, Frankincense and EFT are a powerful combination that can help you recognize, admit, release and replace limiting thoughts with greater truth and self-esteem. Preparation
Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Take out your bottle of Frankincense (Frankincense Oil) and rub a drop into your palms. Then cup your hands over your nose and take three deep breaths in and out. Feel how with each inhale more clarity and calmness comes in, and with each exhale tension or doubt gently flows away. Karate Chop point (side of hand)
When starting EFT, use the side of your hand (the “karate chop”) to open the subconscious layers. Repeat each phrase while gently tapping this point:
- “It is safe for me to let go of all the unconscious feelings and beliefs of unworthiness more and more now.”
- “I love myself and I accept myself, even when a part of me does not want to let go of these deep limiting beliefs.”
- “Even though I have carried these beliefs with me for so long, I am now choosing to let go of them more and more and make room for my own value.”
- “I love myself and I accept myself, even as I now want to let go of these deeply limiting beliefs more and more and more and eventually completely and totally.”
Take another deep breath in and out. Feel how your body may now feel a little softer, as if there is an opening to new truths. EFT round about the points
After the karate chop, the tapping points follow in a set order. At each point you gently tap, speak the phrase, and then bring your hands in front of your nose, breathe in a positive quality and let old tension flow out.
- Eyebrow tip:
“I love and accept myself, with this old insecurity that made me believe I am not worthy, and I choose now to allow more confidence and dignity.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in self-assurance, release insecurity. - Side Eye:
“I love and accept myself, even when I have felt unsafe, and I allow myself to release frustration and tension and welcome inner peace and safety.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in inner peace, release insecurity. - Under Eye:
“I love and accept myself even with the idea that I don’t deserve happiness, love or abundance, and I now let go of worry and limitations while letting in unconcern and abundance.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in abundance, let go of deficit thinking. - Under Nose:
“I love and accept myself, even with the thought that I am not good enough, and I release stress and self-doubt so that inner peace and self-esteem can grow.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in self-esteem, let self-doubt flow away. - Chin (dimple of the chin):
“I love myself and I accept myself, even when I have felt excluded, and I now allow those old emotions and choose acceptance and connection.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in connection, let the feeling of exclusion go. - Keybone:
“I love and accept myself, even when fear has limited my growth, and I release this fear now, while letting love and trust in.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in love, let fear disappear. - Under the Arm:
“I love and accept myself as I strengthen my self-confidence and stand ever more firmly in my own worth.“
Handsin front of you, breathe in self-confidence, let go of insecurity. - Thumb:
“I love and accept myself, even with the sadness I once carried, and I let go of this now to make room for more joy and lightness.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in joy, let go of sadness. - Index finger:
“I love and accept myself, even when I have felt rigid and tight, and I now choose to be more flexible and open.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in flexibility, let go of rigidity. - Middle finger:
“I love and accept myself, while acknowledging and releasing repressed feelings so that genuine connection and inner freedom can occur.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in openness, release repressed emotions. - Pink:
“I love and accept myself, even if I once felt hurt, and I release this pain now, while allowing forgiveness and healing.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in forgiveness, allow hurt to dissolve. - Top of Head (Integration):
“I love and accept myself, I am worthy, I am safe, I deserve happiness, love and abundance, I am good enough, I belong, and I live freely and in truth.“
Handsin front of your nose, breathe in this truth, and leave everything that no longer serves you.
Take one more deep breath in and out. Feel for a moment how your body feels now, perhaps a little lighter, more open or warmer. You have just looked at deep beliefs with loving attention and made space for gentleness and dignity. Remember that this is a process. One session can go a long way, but you can repeat this ritual more often. Each time you allow yourself to go a layer deeper and embrace more of your own truth. Frankincense and EFT together form a gentle and powerful combination that helps you let go of old patterns step by step and become more in your true power. You deserve to live in full dignity, safety and love. Take time to anchor this new reality and be gentle with yourself when old thoughts resurface briefly. Working regularly with EFT and Frankincense will help you return to your inner truth with increasing ease. Do you have questions about EFT or would you like a personal consultation?
If so, send me (Monir) a message. With two flashlights you can sometimes see more than with one 🙂