Veggie cap recipes with your 10 basic oils

Not everyone dares to use essential oils internally. You read a lot of warnings online. And rightfully so! Most oils available on the market are absolutely not suitable for internal use, as they are not 100% pure.

Although internal use of oils is a mystery to some, research has shown that there is a myriad of safe and beneficial internal uses for essential oils. Moreover, the internal use of essential oils offers a number of exclusive benefits to the body that cannot be achieved by either aromatic or external application.

Right from the start, I was excited about making my own capsules with the oils. It really is not difficult and the benefits are phenomenal.

Veggie caps are only suitable for adults. What I want to say with this:

Here we give you our most used Veggie caps recipes.

Please note that the Veggie caps dissolve quite quickly, you should always make the capsules fresh and take them immediately. I usually supplement with olive oil. For this I have a 15ml bottle with a pipette ready.

Veggie cap recipes

Supporting healthy immune system function