
Alpha-Pinene (Alpha-pinene) research

Alpha-pinene is the monoterpene that gives pine trees their distinct smell. But it is not only found in the essence of coniferous plants, it is also the primary chemical constituent of essential oils of Rosemary, Frankincense, Cypress, Juniper Berry, and Helichrysum, and it is even found in Wild Orange. Recent research suggests that alpha-Pinene may support skin and oral health and support proper immune and respiratory function.

Alpha-Pinene may have a number of oral health benefits. Experimental research suggests that alpha-Pinene can help keep gums, teeth and mouth clean and healthy when applied topically to those areas. To support overall oral health, try adding a drop of juniper essential oil to your toothpaste every time you brush or make DIY mouthwash by adding a few drops of Frankincense to a glass of water.

Many of the essential oils rich in alpha-Pinene are great for supporting skin health, and research supports this. Experimental studies suggest that alpha-Pinene can help keep skin looking healthy and may help reduce the appearance of pimples when applied topically. Add one or two drops of Cypress to your toner to help improve the appearance of oily skin. Add Frankincense to your daily moisturizer to reduce blemishes and rejuvenate skin. You could even try applying Helichrysum to the face to reduce wrinkles and promote a radiant, youthful complexion.

Alpha-Pinene has been shown to support the proper functioning of various body systems. Experimental research suggests that alpha-Pinene may support healthy immune function and response when taken internally. In addition, clinical research suggests that alpha-Pinene may help support healthy lung and respiratory function when taken internally, especially when combined with limonene-containing citrus oils or other oils containing 1,8 cineole. Add a drop or two of Helichrysum or Frankincense essential oil to a glass of water or tea every morning to support your immune system health. For daily support of good respiratory function, begin each morning by adding one drop of Wild Orange and Frankincense to a glass of water, tea, or citrus beverage.

One of the most common monoterpenes found in essential oils, contemporary research has shown that alpha-Pinene not only provides a pleasant “pine-like” scent, but is also responsible for many of the health benefits associated with the use of Frankincense, Juniper Berry, Helichrysum and several other essential oils.

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