Copaiba essential oil from dōTERRA contains an important, chemical component, beta-caryophyllene (BCP). This chemical can protect nerve cells and are beneficial to the cardiovascular and immune systems. In this blog, Tanja talks about the powerful effects of Copaiba oil from doTERRA.
Extraction of Copaiba
Copaiba essential oil from dōTERRA is extracted from Copaiba trees in the Amazon rainforest. The essential oil is steam distilled from the Copaiba oleoresin, a substance composed of resin and essential oil. The collection process of the oleoresin is unique among essential oils; it is tapped from the tree in the same way as maple syrup. The oleoresin is then steam distilled to produce the essential oil.
The endocannabinoid system
Endo means “within.” The effect of cannabis is also known as “runners high,” a blissful feeling you can get after intense exercise. Endocannabinoids are the chemical messengers that tell your body to set various processes in motion and when to stop. They help maintain an optimal balance in the body, also known as homeostasis. Science is still investigating how all the molecular mechanisms of the ECS work.
Psychoactive THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) was first discovered in the 1960s. Science wanted to quickly gain knowledge about how THC works and whether our bodies can produce similar compounds. Thus, endocannabinoid molecules such as anandamide were found. The name anandamide comes from the Sanskrit word “Ananda,” meaning bliss; Anandamide means bliss molecule. The ECS is active in everyone, from conception to the end of your life.
Cannabinoid receptors
Cannabinoid receptors are found everywhere in the body. They therefore have a wide range of functions. However, certain receptors are more concentrated in specific regions. CB1 receptors are abundant in the central nervous system. CB2 receptors are more commonly found in the endocrine system, on immune cells, in the gastrointestinal tract and in the peripheral nervous system. Many over-the-counter drugs work through cannabinoid receptors to relieve pain, for example. Paracetamol is one such medication. The diversity of receptor sites shows how important endocannabinoids are for daily body function.
They help arrange:
- Sleep
- Appetite, digestion, hunger
- Mood
- Musculoskeletal
- Immune function
- Reproduction and fertility
- Joy and satisfaction in life
- Pain
- Memory
- Temperature regulation
Copaiba for your health
When the body does not produce enough endocannabinoids or cannot regulate them properly, you are more susceptible to diseases that affect one or more of the functions listed above. Here we can then give the body a helping hand by using aromatherapy. Through plant cannabinoids, as they are found in doTERRA's Copaiba essential oil, we can support the body and promote health and wellness.
Plant Cannabinoids are potent and have a wide range of uses for health. However, legislation, purity and potency stand in the way of these benefits. Because THC binds directly to cannabinoid receptors (CB1) on neurons in various brain regions, disturbances are caused in thought processes. It can also interfere with a person's ability to learn and perform complex tasks. THC also interferes with balance, posture, coordination and affects reaction time. Psychoactive THC works by mimicking the body's own endocannabinoids.
There is no THC in Copaiba which means you have no psychoactive effects and possession is completely legal.
Beta-carophyllene in Copaiba
BCP or also beta-carophyllene (as in the essential oil Copaiba) has many of the same health benefits as other cannabinoids, but this without binding to the CB1 receptors in the brain like the THC. In contrast, BCP binds to CB2 receptors and supports healthy nervous system function, healthy immune system function and healthy function of various organs such as kidneys and liver. It also has a relieving effect on nervous feelings.
CB2 activation is correlated with the concentration of BCPs and CBD oil consists of 35% BCP, while Copaiba has 55% BCP. A switch to Copaiba essential oil can provide even more relief.
BCPs are found in many other foods and even other essential oils (e.g. Black Pepper), but the concentration in these products does not come close to the concentration or purity as the concentration in Copaiba from dōTERRA.
Use Copaiba daily
- Use Copaiba aromatically in a diffuser. Combine 2 drops of Copaiba, 2 drops of Fennel and 1 drop of Juniper Berry before bedtime.
- Apply Copaiba locally for its many skin benefits.
- Use base oil and 2-3 drops of Copaiba for a children's back massage. This contributes to a good night's sleep.
- Drip two drops under the tongue for its calming effect before sleeping.
Copaiba works so well and complementarily that Dr. Hill has expanded his daily oil recommendation to include 1 drop of Copaiba plus 1 drop of Frankincense in the morning.
Get a bottle of Copaiba in your home soon to enjoy all the wonderful health benefits without side effects!
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